Royal Marsden Adult Psychological Support Service
Consultation has concluded

Setting future priority work areas for service evaluation, audit and research
Who we are
The Royal Marsden Adult Psychological Support Service works with patients and their families across inpatient and outpatient settings. We are a team of trained professionals that provide psychological therapies and psychiatric medication to support people to cope with cancer and its treatments.
We are developing our Service Evaluation, Audit and Research (SEAR) strategy and would like your help.
Aims of our research
The main aim of our research is to enhance the psychological adjustment of people affected by cancer and its treatment; or put more simply, to help people cope.
We have identified two main themes that will inform all of our work:
1. Equality, diversity and inclusion
We want to explore and better understand the experience of people from a range of backgrounds (e.g. age, cancer diagnosis, disability, ethnicity/ race, gender, religion/ belief, sexual orientation) so that we can strive towards equity of access to, and equality of outcomes and patient experience from, psychological and psychiatric cancer services.
2. Multiple perspectives
We will carry out projects that ask patients, families/ significant others and staff about their experiences (qualitative research) as well as collecting data on and about their experiences (quantitative research).
How you can get involved
Our ideas board with our areas of potential research is now closed.
Our sincere thanks to everyone who contributed and provided so many ideas and suggestions.
We are reviewing these as a Team and will provide an update soon.
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