Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement Online Induction

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  • Thursday 7th December, 12.30 -14.30 or
  • Wednesday 13th December, 18.00 – 20.00 (choose which session is convenient to you)

This session will provide an overview of patient and public involvement at the Royal Marsden. It will include basic definitions and terms used. It will also provide some information on The Royal Marsden Foundation Trust, the Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) and the NIHR Biomedical Research Centre at The Royal Marsden and the ICR (BRC), i.e., covering core values and strategies linked to involvement and engagement. An overview of how PPIE works within these organisations, i.e., governance, policies, structure, groups and activities will be given. Information on support and training available to patient and public contributors will be also covered.

Please email [email protected] indicating which session you would like to join (if you have not attended a PPIE Induction before).

  • Thursday 7th December, 12.30 -14.30 or
  • Wednesday 13th December, 18.00 – 20.00 (choose which session is convenient to you)

This session will provide an overview of patient and public involvement at the Royal Marsden. It will include basic definitions and terms used. It will also provide some information on The Royal Marsden Foundation Trust, the Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) and the NIHR Biomedical Research Centre at The Royal Marsden and the ICR (BRC), i.e., covering core values and strategies linked to involvement and engagement. An overview of how PPIE works within these organisations, i.e., governance, policies, structure, groups and activities will be given. Information on support and training available to patient and public contributors will be also covered.

Please email [email protected] indicating which session you would like to join (if you have not attended a PPIE Induction before).