Be part of creating an active Marsden

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Image is of three people on a guided walk near our Chelsea hospital

Exercising – being physically active - is important for everyone, including patients with cancer. The Royal Marsden has created a Physical Activity Strategy with staff, patients and interested partners. You will find it on the right of this page. The aim is that everyone at the Royal Marsden is encouraged to be active.

We want to get to a place within the Trust where physical activity is seen as everyone’s business. We know that people who are active themselves are more likely to encourage physical activity with their patients so this strategy is very much for our staff and volunteers as well as our for our patients.

During the launch of the strategy our volunteers led guided walks using maps (see them on the right of this page) close to our hospital sites which we co-designed with a charity called Living Streets. We are keen to know whether patients would like us to continue providing these guided walks from our Sutton and Chelsea sites.

How you can get involved

  • Please share your ideas on these guided walks. Would you like to take part? How long should they be? What time of day should they take place? Please add your suggestions to the ideas board below.
  • As we plan the new Chelsea Cancer Centre development, we would like ideas about how the new hospital site could encourage people to be more active, please add yours to the guestbook below.

Exercising – being physically active - is important for everyone, including patients with cancer. The Royal Marsden has created a Physical Activity Strategy with staff, patients and interested partners. You will find it on the right of this page. The aim is that everyone at the Royal Marsden is encouraged to be active.

We want to get to a place within the Trust where physical activity is seen as everyone’s business. We know that people who are active themselves are more likely to encourage physical activity with their patients so this strategy is very much for our staff and volunteers as well as our for our patients.

During the launch of the strategy our volunteers led guided walks using maps (see them on the right of this page) close to our hospital sites which we co-designed with a charity called Living Streets. We are keen to know whether patients would like us to continue providing these guided walks from our Sutton and Chelsea sites.

How you can get involved

  • Please share your ideas on these guided walks. Would you like to take part? How long should they be? What time of day should they take place? Please add your suggestions to the ideas board below.
  • As we plan the new Chelsea Cancer Centre development, we would like ideas about how the new hospital site could encourage people to be more active, please add yours to the guestbook below.
Page last updated: 15 Oct 2024, 12:50 PM