Our plans for the future of The Royal Marsden, Chelsea – have your say

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The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust has an exciting vision for the future of its Chelsea hospital, with plans to expand and improve its world-leading research, treatment and care.

As demand for cancer services increases, and one in two of us will be impacted by the disease, we must ensure we can be there for everyone who needs us within an environment that is fit for the future.

That is why we are currently exploring proposals to improve capacity and provide a modern patient environment by sensitively adding to the Chelsea site within the next decade – improving outcomes for everyone affected by cancer locally, nationally and globally. The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity will be fundraising to help make this a reality.

Our appointed architects, Stanton Williams, have been working closely with us to ensure that any proposed designs meet future clinical and research demand so that the hospital can be there for more people that need us, now and in the future.

We are committed to conducting extensive engagement on our plans with local residents, the wider public, patients, and our staff to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to provide their feedback.

We ran two online Patient Engagement workshops in January and February 2025 to explore some of those plans in detail and support us to make sure the designs meet the needs of our patients.

Add your thoughts below:

We would like to hear the views of patients who have used our recently opened Olayan Medical Day Unit Facility in Sutton so that we can build on and learn from the design of that unit, please add your thoughts to the ideas board below.

You do not need to register but you will need to add your email address and a screen name, after viewing the other ideas. Click on the pen and paper icon to add your idea.

The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust has an exciting vision for the future of its Chelsea hospital, with plans to expand and improve its world-leading research, treatment and care.

As demand for cancer services increases, and one in two of us will be impacted by the disease, we must ensure we can be there for everyone who needs us within an environment that is fit for the future.

That is why we are currently exploring proposals to improve capacity and provide a modern patient environment by sensitively adding to the Chelsea site within the next decade – improving outcomes for everyone affected by cancer locally, nationally and globally. The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity will be fundraising to help make this a reality.

Our appointed architects, Stanton Williams, have been working closely with us to ensure that any proposed designs meet future clinical and research demand so that the hospital can be there for more people that need us, now and in the future.

We are committed to conducting extensive engagement on our plans with local residents, the wider public, patients, and our staff to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to provide their feedback.

We ran two online Patient Engagement workshops in January and February 2025 to explore some of those plans in detail and support us to make sure the designs meet the needs of our patients.

Add your thoughts below:

We would like to hear the views of patients who have used our recently opened Olayan Medical Day Unit Facility in Sutton so that we can build on and learn from the design of that unit, please add your thoughts to the ideas board below.

You do not need to register but you will need to add your email address and a screen name, after viewing the other ideas. Click on the pen and paper icon to add your idea.

Page last updated: 07 Mar 2025, 11:56 AM