Help design support and advice for patients with stomas

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Consultation has concluded

Bowel cancer is the 4th most common cancer in the UK with the main treatment being surgery and chemotherapy. Of those who have surgery around 40% are left with a permanent stoma and more will experience a stoma formation and reversal. Previous surveys have shown that people are not receiving the nutritional support that they need to overcome nutritional difficulties following bowel cancer treatment.

Currently there is a lack of standardised support and advice to patients following a stoma formation for bowel cancer treatment. The aim of this project is to understand patients experiences following stoma formation and what information and support they would have found helpful following the stoma formation. The information gained will go forward into developing a larger research grant to explore how best to support people who have a stoma formation following colorectal cancer surgery to re introduce diet and control symptoms.

We would like to hear from anyone aged over 18 years old who has had a colostomy or ileostomy formation as part of their treatment for bowel cancer, or their carers. We would like to hear from both those who have had a permanent or a temporary stoma formation.

How can you get involved?

There are various ways to get involved with the project and help us understand your experience of reintroducing nutrition and hydration following a colostomy or ileostomy formation as part of your bowel cancer treatment. The information you provide will be used in the design of the research project.

Share your story below – Tell us about your experience of colostomy or ileostomy formation and the information and support received from healthcare professionals.

Share your ideas below – Share your insights into what you think would be helpful and what information you would have liked to received for caring for your stoma.

Be part of a patient advisory group to support the research – Be part of a small advisory group and have input into the design of this project. This will be a virtual group that will meet Monday 4th December 11-12am or Tuesday 12th December 5-6pm, please email [email protected] if you would like to join. You will be reimbursed for your time in contributing to this virtual group.

Bowel cancer is the 4th most common cancer in the UK with the main treatment being surgery and chemotherapy. Of those who have surgery around 40% are left with a permanent stoma and more will experience a stoma formation and reversal. Previous surveys have shown that people are not receiving the nutritional support that they need to overcome nutritional difficulties following bowel cancer treatment.

Currently there is a lack of standardised support and advice to patients following a stoma formation for bowel cancer treatment. The aim of this project is to understand patients experiences following stoma formation and what information and support they would have found helpful following the stoma formation. The information gained will go forward into developing a larger research grant to explore how best to support people who have a stoma formation following colorectal cancer surgery to re introduce diet and control symptoms.

We would like to hear from anyone aged over 18 years old who has had a colostomy or ileostomy formation as part of their treatment for bowel cancer, or their carers. We would like to hear from both those who have had a permanent or a temporary stoma formation.

How can you get involved?

There are various ways to get involved with the project and help us understand your experience of reintroducing nutrition and hydration following a colostomy or ileostomy formation as part of your bowel cancer treatment. The information you provide will be used in the design of the research project.

Share your story below – Tell us about your experience of colostomy or ileostomy formation and the information and support received from healthcare professionals.

Share your ideas below – Share your insights into what you think would be helpful and what information you would have liked to received for caring for your stoma.

Be part of a patient advisory group to support the research – Be part of a small advisory group and have input into the design of this project. This will be a virtual group that will meet Monday 4th December 11-12am or Tuesday 12th December 5-6pm, please email [email protected] if you would like to join. You will be reimbursed for your time in contributing to this virtual group.