Barriers to recruitment for proton beam therapy trials
We want to find out why some people decide not to join a research trial about radiotherapy. Finding out why will help us when we are designing future studies that use an advanced radiotherapy treatment called proton beam therapy so we need to understand more about the patients that decline participation.
In order to learn about the characteristics of people who decide not to take part, we need to collect some information. We would like your help to decide what information we need to collect and what format would be most preferable. To find out the information, we are inviting people to complete the survey below. In the proposed study that will follow on from this survey we plan to collect basic information (e.g. age, gender, marital status) from people who are living with cancer and who decline to take part in a proton beam therapy clinical trial, and ask them about the reasons they decided not to join the trial.
The first half of the survey relates to factors that may be important in influencing a person’s decision to take part or not take part in a proton beam study. The second half relates to personal information about the patient and the method of data collection.
We think that the survey will take no more than 10 minutes to complete. You can answer the survey anonymously and any information you provide will be held in strictest confidence by the survey study team at The Institute of Cancer Research Clinical Trials and Statistics Unit.