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Public Contributors Chat Room
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Breast Cancer
Gastrointestinal Cancers
Prostate Cancer
Uncommon Cancers
Novel Cancer Therapeutics
Targeted Physical Therapies
Digital – Capability, Informatics, Big Data, e-Health
Genotypes, Phenotypes and Cancer Evolution
Public Contributors Chat Room
Public Engagement Events
Royal Marsden Clinical Research Facility
Public Contributors Chat Room
Developing telehealth services in rehabilitation
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Information tools
Raising awareness of prostate cancer risk in black men
Information tools
- Coordinate My Care (CMC)
- Helping patients make more informed choices about early phase research
- REDMAPP study: RElapse Decision MAking Parent Process
What do patients and professionals want from Imaging Health Records?
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Information tools
- Breaking down barriers to involvement in prostate cancer research among black men
- Improving recruitment to proton beam therapy research trials
Designing a registry for patients with rare blood cancers
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Information tools
Using technology to let patients report health outcomes
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Information tools
How can we assess health-related quality of life in sarcoma patients?
Tools tab
Information tools
Supporting women recently diagnosed with breast cancer taking part in research
Tools tab
Information tools
- A fresh look at radiology reporting with MINT software
- Collaborating to make the teenage and young adult team more visible
- Royal Marsden Adult Psychological Support Service
- Women's views and experience of mesh breast surgery
- Do you experience cancer-related pain or support someone in pain?
- Robotics in breast reconstructive surgery - your views
- Help us create a Senior Adult Oncology Programme
- Help with hydration
- Psychosexual Therapy - what is it and who can benefit?
- Digital support for physical activity and diet after breast cancer diagnosis
- Cancer progression: what are patients' concerns and how do these impact their lives?
Improving prehabilitation to give patients best preparation for treatment
Tools tab
- Help Break Down Breast Cancer Screening Barriers
- Improving image guided liver ablation
Help improve your experience of MyMarsden
Tools tab
- Working with patients to improve the treatment of cancer with drugs
- Working with patients to improve future cancer care for older adults
Patient Safety Partners
Information tools
The development of the Royal Marsden Foundation Trust 5-year strategy
Tools tab
Information tools
- Getting ready for your cancer treatment
The transition project: improving the experience of moving to adult healthcare - update
Information tools
Reducing pain for people with cancer that has spread to the spine
Information tools
What cancer research is important to you?
Tools tab
Information tools
Can you help us to design a clinical trial to improve radiotherapy treatment for people with breast cancer?
Information tools
Help us to establish and improve the Senior Adult Oncology Programme
Tools tab
Information tools
Celebrating Patient and Public Involvement Event
Information tools
- Help design support and advice for patients with stomas
Evolving the Ecosystem – an art-based research project with Julie Light, Artist in Residence
Information tools
Hypnosis used in breast cancer treatment: experiences of women and hypnotherapists as told by them
Information tools
Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement Online Induction
Information tools
Help to improve the patient experience during investigations for suspected lung cancer
Information tools
How can palliative and end of life care be improved?
Information tools
- The pre-MRI screening process: what are your thoughts?
Share your views on this animation from Clatterbridge Cancer Centre
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Information tools
Could you help us develop research for head and neck cancer?
Information tools
Join a group looking at ethnicity and breast cancer
Information tools
What do you think about breath testing?
Information tools
Help us develop the Adult Psychological Support Service
Information tools
Event: New avenues in detection and treatment of breast and gynaecological cancer
Information tools
Share your thoughts on proposals for the London Cancer Hub
Information tools
- Developing new treatments for leukaemia
Are you interested in chairing our PPIE in Research Steering Group?
Information tools
- Training and role expansion for the Radiotherapy workforce
- Help us to name the fourth theme of our refreshed research strategy
- Supporting Sexual Recovery for Women with Bladder Cancer (SPARC)
Our plans for the future of The Royal Marsden, Chelsea – have your say
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Information tools
Fear of cancer recurrence – getting the right support
Tools tab
Information tools
Help us make research for everybody
Tools tab
Information tools
Be part of creating an active Marsden
Tools tab
Information tools
- Patients’ experiences during treatment with Immunotherapy
Help us develop future approaches to managing diabetes in people with cancer
Tools tab
Information tools
What do Black women need to support lifestyle changes after breast cancer?
Tools tab
Information tools
How can we improve Outpatients at the Royal Marsden?
Tools tab
Information tools
Our Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement Newsletters
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- Engaging patients, staff, and visitors with the Royal Marsden’s art collection online
What are your views on cooling therapy to prevent chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy?
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Information tools
Help us assess our wards
Tools tab
Information tools
Improving the follow up service for people after head and neck cancer treatment
Tools tab
Information tools
Developing telehealth services in rehabilitation